Contoh Pidato Bahasa Indonesia
contoh pidato bahasa indonesia

Pidato dari tahta (atau pidato tahta) adalah peristiwa dalam monarki tertentu dimana penguasa yang.Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.Contoh Pidato Bahasa Indonesia tentang Sastra.

To the politicians and the government especially in Indonesia, Why do those.And as the government is encouraging, we can prevent it with a distance and wear masks, but the longer this virus is said to have evolved, therefore it is now being encouraged to STAY AT HOME our management is neither a spreader nor a victim of this virus.Where now people who are infected with this virus don't have to have symptoms, therefore we have to be more careful, Maybe it's just my speech today about the Covid 19 appeal I hope we are all able to follow the government's recommendations and together conquer this COVID 19That's all, Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah wabarakatuh, good morning, greetings of prosperity to all of us. Bapak/Ibu guru yang saya hormati. Rekan rekan yang berbahagia. Puji syukur kehadirat Allah Swt Semoga kita selalu dalam bimbingan dan lindungan Allah Swt. Contoh Muqaddimah Atau Mukadimah Pidato, Ceramah, Dan Khutbah. Sebagai intro pidato berbahasa Arab, Indonesia, bahasa inggris, sunda, atau Jawa tentu ada adabnya, apa saja yang harus dibaca.

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